Pope Benedict XVI, the leader of the pagan Roman Catholic church, has decided to join the eco-friendly, plant-preserving, tree-huggers that evironmentalists are. He will be leading a ‘economically friendly festival’ for Roman Catholic youths that will be using all of the required eating utensils and clothing prescribed by evironmentalists.

Unfortunately, when they call it ‘Save creation day’, they are not referring to saving the account given in Scripture, but to ‘Mother earth’. Why can’t people look at creation and see a creator? The Bible says they do, but they deny it. Scripture also tells us why, because “the fool says in heart, ‘There is no God’ ” (Psalm 14:1).  Until I post next, I will be sure to be using only recycled plastic and biodegradable silverware.

In the mail two days ago, I received two postcards for a Saturday night ‘Bible study’ called The Journey: Why Walk Alone. Neither postcard bothers to mention the Scriptures or God, rather they say they are ‘searching for answers together’ and trying to ‘do what we feel Jesus is asking of us’. On the front of one of the postcards, there is a store-front sign which says “Yes, we’re Open-Minded”. Open-minded to what? The whims and ideas of the world? That certainly is what the meaning implies.

My question is, what is the point of a Bible study if you don’t bother to mention the Bible, the Bible’s authority, the name of God, or the Gospel? Is this Bible study edifying? Is it truly going to study the Scriptures as the name implies? If they are, they aren’t doing a very good job.

This website, Ask the Real Jesus, is claiming that what they are saying is exactly what Christ would say if he were still alive today, and he were the one running the website. Do the people who run this website really understand that what they are doing is attributing to Jesus’ something that he has never said, and therefore are adding to the words of Scipture, and committing a deadly herecy. When the person wrote this they wrote it as if they were Christ. How can a sinful creature claim to know the mind of Christ and claim to say that Christ Himself welcomes you? Friends, we certainly are on a very slippery slope concerning the modern church.

They also add, “This website will give you the opportunity to ask me a direct question and receive my direct answer.” Wow, now they are saying that Christ Himself will answer your question directly through the internet. Slipping farther, and farther, and farther, and farther…

Slipping farther again, “As you continue to study this site, use your inner sense of the heart. Read these teachings with your mind, but absorb them with your heart. Your heart will tell you the truth; the living truth that I am.” So now the heart will give us truth. They seem to be completely ignoring Scripture altogether. For one example is Jeremiah 17:9- ‘The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?’

Read ‘A Welcome Message from Jesus’

The Lost Tomb of Jesus

March 7, 2007

Here we go again! Yet another claim that Christ never rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. This time, however, Hollywood filmmaker James Cameron is jumping in. The Discovery Channel has aired his new documentary on a tomb found which contained names which all seemed related to Jesus and Jesus’ ossuary itself. The filmakers and producers all jumped at the idea of course, and are doing every thing they can to promote this complete lie.

Ken Ham, the founder and president of Answers in Genesis, calls it nonsense. OneNewsNow.com quotes Ken Ham, and represents what all Christians ought to suppot.

Body Count Evangelism

March 4, 2007

More Absurd ‘Seeker-sensitive’ Facts:

Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church, in Lake Forest, Calif., and author of “The Purpose Driven Life,” which has sold 25-million copies, is perhaps the most famous evangelical pastor in America. He writes often about church growth, leadership, and related issues. Here’s something Warren wrote for the Mar. 16, 2004, “Leadership Journal”:

“Three key responsibilities of every pastor are to discern where (and how) God’s Spirit is moving in our culture and time, prepare your congregation for that movement, and cooperate with it to reach people Jesus died for. I call it ‘surfing spiritual waves’ in The Purpose Driven Church, and it’s the reason Saddleback has grown to 23,500 on weekends in 24 years. You don’t criticize a wave; you just ride it as best you can. When Mel Gibson showed me his film, The Passion of The Christ, last year, I knew a huge wave – a spiritual tsunami – would hit when the film debuted on February 25 2004, and we began praying and preparing to surf it.”

[Read Article]

Evangelism Gone Lame

February 26, 2007

It’s here. Evangelism strategies imitating the world. The Terrible Terry Tate video being imitated by the evangelism community certainly isn’t the highest form of flattery because it is just plain lame.

Question: Does it seem that the modern Christian world is getting desperate for ways to draw people into the doors when they imitate a Super Bowl commercial?

Read Article at OldTruth.com

Be not conformed…

January 15, 2007

I have had many friends in the past, and most of them have been Christians. I went to a private Christian school for many years (and unfortunately that school went down the tubes regarding Christianity), and have had many influences. I have noticed, however, that most of the time, my friends brought things that had to do with the world. For example, several of my friends listened to Green Day. I have a problem with that.

Romans 12:2-“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
My question has always been, “If you claim to be a Christian, how do you explain to a non-Christian that you act just like them, but tell them that they need to change?” In other words, why do you conform to the world? Why do you act like the world even though Christ commands us to be seperate from the world?

We wear clothes, we listen to music, and we eat. Does that mean because we can’t eat, clothe ourselves, and listen to music. Of course not! What Paul is referring to is our actions regarding our souls. Would we listen to music that the world listens to? Would we watch movies with sex, lust, and swearing (which now is hard to avoid)? Would we curse our neighbors? Would we threaten to kill somebody? These are things the world does every day. Do we really want to follow their example?

I firmly believe that God’s Word is the authority we must live by, and we must turn to it in all of our trials and tribulations. We must not conform, but preach the Gospel and repentance unto life!

Has anyone ever heard of a group called Apologetix?

This group is a band that claims to be Christian, and they play songs with Christian lyrics. I got a two CDs of theirs this Christmas. It had been recommended by my uncle, and was given to me by another. I thought, “Hmmm, this might be good.” Boy was I wrong.

Why are they a joke? They are a joke because of where they get their song ideas.

I looked on the back of their CD’s and found that their music is taken from secular and pagan bands, and changes the lyrics to be Christian. What kinds of bands? Well, for instance, there was Green Day, Ozzy Osborne, Queen, Eminemm, and the list goes on. They have 12 CDs, all of which contain the same things. All of the world’s music with ‘Christian’ lyrics.

Why is this so terrible, a joke? Romans 12:2 says, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” We are not to conform to this world. We are not to act like the world, be like the world, nor live like the world. We must set ourselves apart from the secular and pagan ideas and regulations. We must make the Scriptures our one and only regulation.

We must refrain from taking ideas from the world and applying them to Christianity.
If I were to listen to that, and a Christian friend of mine asked what I was listening to, would I be proud to tell him that the music is hard rock and based off of worldly ideas? How coud I be? I would be proud to tell him, however,that I listen to groups such as Sons of Korah, Caedmon’s Call, Buddy Davis, and Keith Getty. These are music groups I would be proud to listen to, but I hate to think that Christians listen to these worldly music and enjoy them.

Joel Osteen: Confused?

January 6, 2007

What is Joel Osteen’s worldview?

I have some advice Osteen, but maybe PREACHING THE GOSPEL certainly wouldn’t cut it would it!?

The Hollywood Jesus

December 19, 2006

This is a post written by Tom Chantry on “The Nativity Story” a few weeks ago. He explains how Christ, as portrayed by Hollywood, is a violation of the Second Commandment, as are all images of Him. You can view this post and other posts by him at CRBC Pastor’s Blog

In the spring of 2004 the Evangelical World greeted with wild acclaim the Hollywood blockbuster on the crucifixion, “The Passion of the Christ.” Pastors across the nation led their churches to the theater, buying out huge blocks of seating. Books were written on how to turn this movie into the greatest evangelistic opportunity since the Great Awakening. Christians created the greatest buzz for any movie of the season. When they got to the theaters, what did they see?

Amidst the gore they saw an anemic, powerless Jesus suffering various trials, most not found in Scripture. They saw the heroine of the movie, a sinless Mary, achieving super-sainthood through vicarious suffering. They saw a botched atonement in which God the Father did not superintend events but shed tears from heaven over the terrible tragedy enacted by sovereign man.

Evangelicals in the throes of post-theological misjudgment did not recoil, but continued to praise Hollywood for finally “listening” to the Christian majority. Only one mitigating factor limited the damage to the church: Mel Gibson’s decision to portray the atonement in the slasher-horror genre kept the youngest kids away. Most (though certainly not all!) children born in the 1990’s or later missed the excitement.

Brace yourself: things are about to get worse!

Next week New Line will release “The Nativity Story,” a PG rated retelling of the birth of Jesus. Evangelicals will undoubtedly rush to praise Hollywood again, and the film promises to be a family blockbuster. We will again hear that the “voice” of the church has been heard and that Hollywood is listening. Really? Has the moral content of movies improved since 2004? Biblical Christians should know better than to patronize this movie, and here are some reasons why:

Entertainment is not Education.

Perhaps the cultural phenomenon which has most influenced America is “Sesame Street.” Thanks to those furry muppets, a whole generation is convinced that kids learn best when entertained. Every educational process is thought to be improved through games and songs, while video has become the pinnacle of educational tools. Christians have unthinkingly bought into this, and many thousands of Christian parents are right now saying, “Hey, our kids will really appreciate the birth of Jesus once they’ve seen the movie!” I would suggest two counter-proposals:

1. It will take years of solid Bible study and preaching to drive from a child’s mind the many falsehoods implanted during two hours in a movie theater. I’ll never forget the months it took me to convince kids who had seen “Prince of Egypt” that the Pharaoh had not thrown babies to the crocodiles, and they never could accept that Moses was eighty at the time of the Exodus. What kids see is more real to them than what they read or hear. Any movie about a central biblical theme must be absolutely accurate or it will prove destructive to biblical knowledge.

2. Adults aren’t much more discerning than children. If my discussions after “The Passion of the Christ” are any indication, adults are actually less critical than kids. I heard Christians who presumably had read the gospels many times say, “I wanted to cry when they threw Jesus off that bridge!” No matter that this sequence was drawn from the ravings of a French nun – they had seen it; it was real.
We will hear repeatedly that this film is based strictly on the Bible. We heard it about the last film too; it’s called “marketing.” Here’s an idea: Read through the narrative of Christ’s birth in Matthew, then in Luke, and time yourself. If you read slowly and carefully, it might take half an hour, and that includes the time it takes to leaf through the rest of Matthew and Mark to find Luke. Do you expect a Hollywood blockbuster to last just half an hour? What might they do to pad the story?

The answer should be obvious: they’ll do what Hollywood always does to make movies palatable. They’ll add intense inward anguish and exciting adventure footage. A little research on the web reveals the details. The Mary in the movie didn’t actually love Joseph, but agonized over her arranged marriage the way any twenty-first century teenager would. Taxes aren’t collected by local collaborators, but by Roman soldiers who ride (a fascinating detail to scholars of military history – whence this Roman cavalry?) into town bearing Nazi-like eagle standards and threatening the life and virtue of every pretty girl.
It is well-known that Hollywood thrives on emotional content divorced from facts. That’s why Hollywood history is always incomplete and misleading, which in turn is why we can’t trust movies on biblical themes. Even if they wanted to be fair, the movie studios would adjust the story to fit their medium. Doctrinal exposition and simple historical fact-telling don’t make good movies.

Idolatry is not Worship.

While practical considerations make us wary of “The Nativity Story,” examination of God’s law should settle the question.

Drama and the arts were always the heart of pagan worship. The Egyptians, like all the ancient cultures, used their artistic talent to portray their gods in realistic terms. When the Israelites were reintroduced to the God of their fathers, it was a natural impulse for them to communicate what they learned about this God in the same manner. Thus the second commandment, forbidding all artistic renderings of God, was especially emphasized. Golden calves could not reveal the mysteries of the Godhead; neither can modern cinema.

Film technology was unavailable in the Sinai Wilderness, a fact which allows many Christians to overlook the obvious connection between two types of artistic renderings of God’s character. We somehow imagine that if the scripts are written well enough we can somehow get at the truth through film. This ignores the critical part played by actors. They do not merely recite lines; they endeavor to enter into the minds of the characters they play, and they present their ideas about those roles in a myriad of subtle ways. Is Hamlet mad, or merely pretending to be mad? Shakespeare leaves the decision to the actor, so Olivier’s Hamlet bears little resemblance to Branagh’s. And what about Caviezel’s Jesus? Did he, in “The Passion,” accurately represent God the Son as He is revealed in Scripture?

Every aspect of film, from lighting and camera angles to script and casting, is interpretive. Film is even more likely to reinterpret its subject than sculpture or painting. If God is offended by human attempts to reveal Him in golden statuary, how will He respond to those who endeavor to reveal Him through the imaginations of actors? The point of the commandment is this: only God can reveal Himself. He has done so through His Word, and He commands us to discover that revelation through the study and preaching of His word. Bible movies are not a short-cut; they lead down an entirely different path.

The certain failure of artistic representations of biblical truth can only be more pronounced when rendered by the hands of the skeptics of modern culture. Hollywood’s major concern is to avoid giving offense to any segment of the market. Consequently, though we are hearing that great care was given to biblical accuracy, we also read that Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish theologians were all consulted in the writing of this film. Ponder that for a moment, and ask yourself if it is even possible that “The Nativity Story” could be theologically accurate. Two issues come to mind:

1. The Person of Mary Mary will be the unquestioned star of this movie. Much of the story is seen “through her eyes.” We can certainly understand this from a biblical perspective. No one else experienced the incarnation of Christ in quite the same way.

But who will the “Mary” of the film be? I will venture a guess here: she will not be the redeemed sinner we meet in the Bible. She will not be the somewhat overbearing mother who struggled to understand who her Son truly was. She can’t be, or New Line would infuriate that huge demographic of Catholics who, sadly, know their theology better than most Evangelicals know ours. She is more likely to be the semi-deified Mary of “The Passion.” (Did you know that Gibson was shocked at the Evangelical reception given to what he rightly perceived as a distinctly Marian film?)

In a day when evangelicals are rushing to accommodate the Heretic Church of Rome, which is itself moving inexorably towards titling Mary the “Co-Mediatrix” with Christ, can we really afford to spend two hours having our ideas about Mary shaped by Hollywood?
2. The Person of Christ As troubling as it is to imagine the casting calls for babies to play the role of Jesus, we have a bigger problem here. “The Nativity” is, we are told, based largely (though clearly not exclusively) on the gospels of Matthew and Luke. Biblical history is always accompanied by a doctrinal interpretation. In the Old Testament the prophets provided the interpretive detail necessitated by books of history. When we consider the story of the birth of Jesus, we must confess that Matthew and Luke alone do not reveal the full richness of the story. We require the doctrinal interpretation of John:

“And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.Here we discover the real miracle of the nativity. What makes the story wonderful has nothing to do with wise men and sheep. It has little to do with the agonies undoubtedly experienced by a young man trying to get help for his pregnant fiancé and winding up watching as she gave birth in a barn. What makes the story wonderful is the fact that this child was and is God the Son, willingly giving up the glory of heaven for a time to walk among us so that He might die for us. How likely do you think it is that New Line will play up that angle? Wouldn’t it be more in keeping with their world view to show us a poor couple struggling against oppression in the attempt to realize their own dreams and aspirations? And is that the message of the Incarnation?

The Path of Wisdom
We cannot expect Hollywood to treat the birth of Christ wisely. Sadly, we can no longer expect Evangelicalism to treat Hollywood wisely. Biblical Christians, though, may still make wise decisions. Skip the Hollywood version of Christmas, or if you can’t bring yourself to do that, watch something more innocuous. Almost any of the classic Christmas movies are going to be less damaging than “The Nativity Story.” “Miracle on 34th Street” may exalt the false god of the season, but it won’t misinform about the true God. “It’s a Wonderful Life” might mix trivial sentimentality with an absurd parody of angels, but even it won’t mislead us concerning the nature of our Lord.

And by all means, if you want your children to have a better understanding of the events of Christ’s birth, life, death and resurrection, then read the Bible with them and discuss its teaching. Don’t let Hollywood become your family’s Sunday School teacher. The consequences of false teaching are far too high.